Lacking Nothing

Lacking Nothing

Tuesday 11 February 2014


Most heroes wear a cape but mine wore a cross...

Over the years I've seen this quote a few times but never actually thought about it too much. There's not an awful lot I need to say about this. But I just want to encourage you to think about it. People are so wound up about heroes and people that save lives. But a man did all that for YOU over 2000 years ago and He did it on the cross.  

He loves you.

God bless. Till next time x

Sunday 2 February 2014

30 Day Challenge - Day 1-2

Day 2: Something I feel strongly about...

I believe everyone should have the opportunity to feel loved. To feel the warmth and compassion of another person. To be able to tell each other you love them and that you'd do anything for them. Someone who's with you for the long run and no matter what will be by your side every step of the way. 

Day 1: Five ways to win my heart...

1. Humour - If you can make me laugh, I'm pretty much yours. 
2. Spontaneousness - Do something most people wouldn't. Going out of comfort zones. A+
3. Honesty - It's something that a lot of people don't have any more. And as hard as the truth is to hear sometimes, it's what makes a relationship work.
4. 'I'm not waiting for a Romeo, I'm waiting for a guy who believes that I'm his Juliet.' I want someone who loves me for me and doesn't want to change me, but I wish to learn and grow from my experiences, opportunities and mistakes. 
5. Romantic (even if it's a little bit) - Some flowers or cute little notes left in different places. Or just taking initiative and going on a date every now and then. Something cute :) Be creative!

Till tomorrow. God bless x

Friday 31 January 2014

30 Day Challenge - Day 30

One thing I'm excited for... (gotta have more than one)

1. My 21st Birthday
2. Moving house
3. Cruise to New Zealand
4. 1D Concert (hopefully)

Till tomorrow. God bless x

Wednesday 29 January 2014

30 Day Challenge - Day 29

Five weird things that I like...

1. Anything with rain
2. Peach ice tea
3. Being told I'm beautiful
4. Singing in my car
5. Going to bed after a long day

Till tomorrow. God bless x

Tuesday 28 January 2014

30 Day Challenge - Day 27-28

Day 28: Somewhere I'd like to move or visit...

Fiji! Need I say more.

Day 27: A quote I try to live by...

Live...your life at it's fullest all the things that don't matter
Love...with all that you have and more

Till tomorrow. God bless x

Sunday 26 January 2014

30 Day Challenge - Day 25-26

Day 26: Things I like and dislike about myself...


1. My bubbly and positive personality
2. My hair
3. My great calves :)
4. Being tall
5. My eyes


1. My weight (working on it)

Day 25: Something I'm currently worried about...

Hmmm. This one has stumped me. I'm trying to figure out a work/personal life at the moment but I'm not necessarily worried about it. That's about all really.

Till tomorrow. God bless x

Friday 24 January 2014

30 Day Challenge - Day 22-24

Day 24: Five words/phrases/quotes that make me laugh...

Melonhead - My boss last year used this word. Instead of calling someone an 'idiot', this word was used. It's hilarious.

"We must run away!" - Jack Sparrow (Pirates of the Caribbean)

"Would you care for an orange juice?", "If it needed me." - Carl Barron

"Surely fruit flies have gotta be healthier than normal flies." - Carl Barron

Stop fartassing around...

Day 23: Something that I miss...

I know I have mentioned this a few times before but I'd have to honestly say that I miss companionship. Someone to talk to about everything, to cuddle up to when I'm sad. To share the good and the bad memories with. I know he'll come one day when I'm least expecting him but until then I can dream.

Day 22: My academics...

Not entirely sure what this means but I'll go with the my education.

Started primary school in 1998 and concluded in 2005. Then moved onto secondary school at Clifton State High. In grade 10, moving to Pittsworth State High and completed secondary school in 2010 without an OP, however, with a certificate in Hospitality, Information Communication & Technology and Education Support. Since completing high school, I am currently studying a certificate in Christian Ministry and Theology. Next year continuing to study more, I endeavour to complete a certificate in Youth Work which will allow me to become a Chaplain. 

Till tomorrow. God bless x