Lacking Nothing

Lacking Nothing

Friday 31 January 2014

30 Day Challenge - Day 30

One thing I'm excited for... (gotta have more than one)

1. My 21st Birthday
2. Moving house
3. Cruise to New Zealand
4. 1D Concert (hopefully)

Till tomorrow. God bless x

Wednesday 29 January 2014

30 Day Challenge - Day 29

Five weird things that I like...

1. Anything with rain
2. Peach ice tea
3. Being told I'm beautiful
4. Singing in my car
5. Going to bed after a long day

Till tomorrow. God bless x

Tuesday 28 January 2014

30 Day Challenge - Day 27-28

Day 28: Somewhere I'd like to move or visit...

Fiji! Need I say more.

Day 27: A quote I try to live by...

Live...your life at it's fullest all the things that don't matter
Love...with all that you have and more

Till tomorrow. God bless x

Sunday 26 January 2014

30 Day Challenge - Day 25-26

Day 26: Things I like and dislike about myself...


1. My bubbly and positive personality
2. My hair
3. My great calves :)
4. Being tall
5. My eyes


1. My weight (working on it)

Day 25: Something I'm currently worried about...

Hmmm. This one has stumped me. I'm trying to figure out a work/personal life at the moment but I'm not necessarily worried about it. That's about all really.

Till tomorrow. God bless x

Friday 24 January 2014

30 Day Challenge - Day 22-24

Day 24: Five words/phrases/quotes that make me laugh...

Melonhead - My boss last year used this word. Instead of calling someone an 'idiot', this word was used. It's hilarious.

"We must run away!" - Jack Sparrow (Pirates of the Caribbean)

"Would you care for an orange juice?", "If it needed me." - Carl Barron

"Surely fruit flies have gotta be healthier than normal flies." - Carl Barron

Stop fartassing around...

Day 23: Something that I miss...

I know I have mentioned this a few times before but I'd have to honestly say that I miss companionship. Someone to talk to about everything, to cuddle up to when I'm sad. To share the good and the bad memories with. I know he'll come one day when I'm least expecting him but until then I can dream.

Day 22: My academics...

Not entirely sure what this means but I'll go with the my education.

Started primary school in 1998 and concluded in 2005. Then moved onto secondary school at Clifton State High. In grade 10, moving to Pittsworth State High and completed secondary school in 2010 without an OP, however, with a certificate in Hospitality, Information Communication & Technology and Education Support. Since completing high school, I am currently studying a certificate in Christian Ministry and Theology. Next year continuing to study more, I endeavour to complete a certificate in Youth Work which will allow me to become a Chaplain. 

Till tomorrow. God bless x

Monday 20 January 2014

30 Day Challenge - Day 17-21

Been on holidays folks, catching up now.

Day 21: How I hope my future will be like...

Well this is a fun topic for me, I'm a very organised person and love planning things, writing lists and such. I have a 5 year plan and after that there's things I hope and dream of. 

I hope to complete my course in youth work, my course in beauty and also complete a course in events planning. I want to have a beautiful little white wedding. I look forward to being married and raising a happy and beautiful family. I want to travel and grown old with my future husband. In my mind,  my future looks amazing.

Day 20: Your fears...

I have a couple fears in life.
1. Failure
2. Rejection
3. Bring Alone
4. Snakes

Day 19:  Five items you lust after...

1. Companionship 
2. Tattoo
3. My own home
4. To plan weddings and events
5. New car

Day 18: A problem that you've had...

Well haven't we all had problems in our lives. Now which one shall I choose. Oh so many. I guess a problem I've had is people that don't respect your beliefs and opinions. Obviously I'm open to other's thoughts, beliefs and opinions. And sometimes it's an agree to disagree situation. But when people don't respect that, drives me crazy

Day 17: Something that you're proud of...

I guess I could say that I'm just proud of my whole life in general. The life experiences and opportunities I've been given, the blessings I've received, the jobs I've had, the family and friends I'm surrounded with. I'm proud of it all. But of it all, I must say that I'm proud of the career opportunities I've had. I've learnt so much from them all. 

Till tomorrow. God bless x

Thursday 16 January 2014

30 Day Challenge - Day 16

Something I always think 'what if' about...

Every person at some stage in their life come across the question 'what if'. Me included.

To be honest, I have pretty much everything I really need in my life at the moment. The question I find myself asking myself frequently though is... What if he liked me back? What if I offended her/him? What if they don't like me? What if I did something wrong? What if I had done things differently?  

Most of my 'what if' questions are based on one topic mainly and that is my relationships with other people. But I trust God, and when He thinks I'm ready someone will come along. Till then, I wait and pray.

Till tomorrow. God bless x

Wednesday 15 January 2014

30 Day Challenge - Day 15

My horoscope and my personality...

I don't believe in horoscopes and star signs and all that jazz, however what it says about my particular horoscope is very true and similar to me and my personality.

Key Life Phrase: 'I Shine'

Key Characteristics
Original, imposing, inflexible, motivated, ambitious, loyal, physical, charitable and majestic

You too are a ball of dynamic energy. You are warm, bright and self-motivated, and you want to make an impression in everything you do — your work, your love life and your social life.

When you are feeling upbeat, you carry people away with your energy, and they love you for it. You love sharing your joys and successes with the people you love, and when you do, you are magnanimous — you never give a thought to getting anything in return. There are few star signs who really understand the nature of giving, but Leo seems to have perfected the art.

You also have a great sense of timing. When you offer a friendly word or gesture of encouragement, you pick the exact moment when it will have greatest impact. You always seem to be in the right place at the right time. You’re lucky this way.

Try to remember that your strong sense of self can be misinterpreted by others — understatement could sometimes be a more effective way for you to show your loyalty and express your generosity.
Some people think you are a show-off, but this too is a mistake. Your dramatic flair is part and parcel of your zest for life, your love of people and your optimism. For you, life is a stage on which you can perform and express your talents.

Loyalty is your trademark. People know you are a genuine friend who is always ready to lend a hand. Even if you can’t help someone with their specific problem, you still manage to send out a warm and reassuring vibration that makes them feel better.

Till tomorrow. God bless x

Tuesday 14 January 2014

30 Day Challenge - Day 14

What I wore today...

  • Underwear
  • Orange shorts
  • White singlet
  • White/Pink/Orange blouse
That is all.

Till tomorrow. God bless x

30 Day Challenge - Day 13

My opinion of my body and am I comfortable with it... (sorry it's a day late)

Well isn't this an interesting topic. If you're reading this I'm sure you can agree with me when I say everyone hates at least one thing about themselves. Whether it be their past, appearance, family...there's always something. 

Yes, I am the same. One thing I dislike about myself is letting myself go and putting some extra weight on. I've struggled with it for a couple years and now I'm trying to fix it. So to be completely honest (I wouldn't usually talk about this) I am not entirely comfortable with looking at myself in the mirror everyday. But then I consider that there are other's out there struggling with this issue more than me and that God made me and He loves me none-the-less.  

My motivation is to live a full and happy life. I've got the full part under control, now for the happy...

Till tomorrow. God bless x

Sunday 12 January 2014

30 Day Challenge - Day 12

5 guys whom I find attractive...(well maybe a couple more)
These aren't in any order, just my favourites :)

1. Channing Tatum

2. Johnny Depp

3. Ryan Gosling

4. Ryan Reynolds

5. Ian Somerhalder aka. Damon Salvatore

6. Paul Wesley aka. Stefan Salvatore

7. Robert Pattinson 

Till tomorrow. God bless x

Saturday 11 January 2014

30 Day Challenge - Day 11

My Family...
Dad - Jeffrey
Mum - Janet
Brother - Jordan
Sister - Sophie

Over the past 2 years, I have come to appreciate my family a lot more for what they do and who they are for me. They are the strongest, most courageous, loving people I ever know and I could not ask for any group of people different than the ones I have. I love them dearly and cherish the memories and devotion we have to and for each other. XOXO

Till tomorrow. God bless x

Friday 10 January 2014

30 Day Challenge - Day 10

First 10 songs that play on shuffle...

1. Give your heart a break - Demi Lovato
2. Born in the U.S.A. - Bruce Springsteen
3. Ass back home - Gym Class Heroes
4. I need your love - Calvin Harris/Ellie Goulding
5. So good - B.o.B
6. Endless light - Hillsong Live
7. Summer of '69 - Bryan Adams
8. Let her go - Taylor Henderson
9. Skinny love - Birdy
10. Live while we're young - One Direction

 Till tomorrow. God bless x

Thursday 9 January 2014

30 Day Challenge - Day 9

How important I think education is...

Education is important. But on a scale of 1-10 of importance and 1 being the least, I'd probably say a 5 or 6 in my opinion. I went to a state school, did well at some subjects but absolutely sucked at others. I didn't go for an OP and that is okay. 

I think parents push their kids too much these days with schooling. Obviously yes the kids have to learn and they will. But dressing them up all good and proper and sending them to a really pricey school is not going to be different from any other school. If they want to do well, they will (no offence to those of you that went to private schools/colleges).

When I have my own family and my children are school age. I will be proud of them no matter what result they got in school, what school they went to and no matter what career path they take. Just like my amazing parents are proud of me.

That's as far as I'm going to go on that topic.

Till tomorrow. God bless x

Wednesday 8 January 2014

30 Day Challenge - Day 8

What I ate today...

  • Raisin Toast
  • Juice
  • Twisties
  • Easy Mac
  • Tim Tam
  • Devilled Sausages 
  • Cordial
Sorry about the most boring blog I could ever do. All part of my challenge.

Till tomorrow. God bless x

Tuesday 7 January 2014

30 Day Challenge - Day 7

My 5 pet peeves...

1. Guys who leave the toilet seat up or don't refill toilet paper.

2. When you find a really cute piece of clothing on the rack and they have like twenty in size XS, two in size 3X, and not a single one in your size. 

3. The statement 'YOLO'.

4. Drivers who tailgate. 

5. When people don't RSVP to an event.

Till tomorrow. God bless x

Monday 6 January 2014

30 Day Challenge - Day 6

My views on mainstream music...

I listen to a lot of styles and genres of music. Mainstream is one that I listen to. Do I like the sound of it, mostly yes. Do I like the violence, swearing and inappropriateness of it, no.

In today's society these things aren't frowned upon as much as they used to be. Even little 10 year old kids swear and carry on and I believe some mainstream music is influencing the kids by doing these things themselves. I think the 'YOLO' statement comes into play here a bit too. Some people think; 'We only live once so we can do whatever the heck we want.'

I honestly don't agree with it. Yes we live once, but there's a difference to living life fully and being a disrespectful and offensive person about it. I guess I've gone deeper than I wanted but that's my opinion. I like some mainstream music but sometimes I wish it could be a bit more respectful and considerate of other people. 

Till tomorrow. God bless x

Sunday 5 January 2014

30 Day Challenge - Day 5

Today's challenge is to write down what I would say to an ex-boyfriend. Well this could be interesting. 

I'll firstly say two words. Broken heart...and haven't we all been there.

I'm not going to think too deeply about this cause it could potentially bring up many thoughts and emotions. So I'll be quick-ish.

What I want to say/ask:

1. Why did we break up?
2. In what part of the relationship did it end for you?

Honestly, it's ridiculously hard to know what I'd say considering I haven't seen him in years. But I'd like to think I would apologise on my behalf and know that there could be a friendship there.

He may have broken my heart, but he helped me to grow into the person I am today and for that I am thankful.

What would you say to your ex?

Till tomorrow. God Bless x

Saturday 4 January 2014

30 Day Challenge - Day 4

My challenge for today isn't much of a challenge and possibly a bit boring. I have to bullet point my day. So here goes...

  • Woke up and got out of bed
  • Got dressed
  • Breakfast with family
  • Made myself look pretty
  • Drove to work
  • Started at 11am
  • Had a very busy day selling shoes
  • Finished work at 4pm
  • Drove home from work
  • Watched a movie with parents
  • Rested
  • Watched dad and brother dig a hole to find the broken water pipe
  • Showered
  • Dinner with family
  • Played cards
  • Bed
And there it day today! Till tomorrow.

God Bless x

Friday 3 January 2014

30 Day Challenge - Day 3

Over the next 30 days. My challenge is to everyday post about myself. Different things. I missed the first two days however, I will do them at the end instead. These will be short entries.

So day 3, I am to write about a book that I personally love. The book that stands out to me most would have to be 'I Kissed Dating Goodbye' by Joshua Harris. It's basically a Christian book about love and dating, courtships and marriage. The quote in the picture above is one that I love and has helped me with the issues that surround love and marriage. 

God Bless x

Christmas Lights

Christmas Lights...

At Christmas time every year you will always find families visiting the light displays around them. 2013 was no different. 

A cousin of mine for the past 7 years has put on a display of lights at his house in Brisbane and undoubtedly I would have to say they are the best I've ever seen. He is a very creative man and he should be commended very very highly for his efforts. 

However, getting to the chase, for 3 nights over the month of December 2013, my family and I visited my cousin and his family to help out with carols and being Santa amongst other things. Over those 3 nights of visiting we saw close to 11,000 people come through the gates to check out the lights. As you can imagine that is a huge amount of people. Babies, toddlers, children, teenagers, parents, grandparents...all coming to visit.

I took some time out one night just to watch the visitors faces as they took their first look at the lights. It was amazing to see their faces light up at the scenery and to see the reaction from people to something so special. 

I stopped and thought to myself how I might feel and seem when the day comes that I see God. I would like to imagine that my face might be filled with the excitement like I saw on the people these nights. 

The Christmas lights are now a reminder of the Lord. The one who shines ever so brightly in mine and other people's lives. 

God Bless x