Lacking Nothing

Lacking Nothing

Tuesday 14 January 2014

30 Day Challenge - Day 13

My opinion of my body and am I comfortable with it... (sorry it's a day late)

Well isn't this an interesting topic. If you're reading this I'm sure you can agree with me when I say everyone hates at least one thing about themselves. Whether it be their past, appearance, family...there's always something. 

Yes, I am the same. One thing I dislike about myself is letting myself go and putting some extra weight on. I've struggled with it for a couple years and now I'm trying to fix it. So to be completely honest (I wouldn't usually talk about this) I am not entirely comfortable with looking at myself in the mirror everyday. But then I consider that there are other's out there struggling with this issue more than me and that God made me and He loves me none-the-less.  

My motivation is to live a full and happy life. I've got the full part under control, now for the happy...

Till tomorrow. God bless x

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