Lacking Nothing

Lacking Nothing

Monday 20 January 2014

30 Day Challenge - Day 17-21

Been on holidays folks, catching up now.

Day 21: How I hope my future will be like...

Well this is a fun topic for me, I'm a very organised person and love planning things, writing lists and such. I have a 5 year plan and after that there's things I hope and dream of. 

I hope to complete my course in youth work, my course in beauty and also complete a course in events planning. I want to have a beautiful little white wedding. I look forward to being married and raising a happy and beautiful family. I want to travel and grown old with my future husband. In my mind,  my future looks amazing.

Day 20: Your fears...

I have a couple fears in life.
1. Failure
2. Rejection
3. Bring Alone
4. Snakes

Day 19:  Five items you lust after...

1. Companionship 
2. Tattoo
3. My own home
4. To plan weddings and events
5. New car

Day 18: A problem that you've had...

Well haven't we all had problems in our lives. Now which one shall I choose. Oh so many. I guess a problem I've had is people that don't respect your beliefs and opinions. Obviously I'm open to other's thoughts, beliefs and opinions. And sometimes it's an agree to disagree situation. But when people don't respect that, drives me crazy

Day 17: Something that you're proud of...

I guess I could say that I'm just proud of my whole life in general. The life experiences and opportunities I've been given, the blessings I've received, the jobs I've had, the family and friends I'm surrounded with. I'm proud of it all. But of it all, I must say that I'm proud of the career opportunities I've had. I've learnt so much from them all. 

Till tomorrow. God bless x

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